Verified Clay Pipe
Application & Sizes
- Stoneware gaskets are used for wastewater purposes in domestic and industrial areas in municipal regions. It is a low pressure pipeline where industrial sewage, rain water, domestic waste water, and public discharge water is drained out.
- Facilitates longer pipe length.
- Less total number of pipes per lay length .
- Gasket assembly is possible at pipe manufacturer’s end.
- Less pipe breakage during assembly.
- Faster laying of pipes.
- Quick and hassle free installation.
- Labor cost is less than conventional method.
- Pipe can accommodate ground movement due to flexible gasket/joint design
Material Specifications & Features
- Verified Clay Pipe Gasket materials complies in all respects with physical requirements specified in ASTM C 425-04/EN 681-1 STD.
- This standard confirms for PIP joint system of ASTM-1208, BS-EN-295/IS:651.
- Superior quality synthetic rubber materials like SBR, EPDM, NBR, etc… per intended application.
To request detailed product specifications/brochures on our Verified Clay Pipe Gaskets, please contact our team directly at [email protected] or click here.